Go from feeling overwhelmed to confident with monthly, minimal-prep activities older speech students love

No more hours spent scrolling for appropriate and engaging resources for older speech students!


(that you cannot get anywhere else!)

and community support to take the bulk of lesson prep off your plate.

I want to plan with ease and confidence! 

Do you feel like you are the last one to leave the parking lot?

Do you feel like you are drowning in a sea of SLP paperwork and planning?

Or just lost at sea when it comes to knowing where to start to get your older kids smiling and talking?

You’re absolutely NOT alone.

If you’ve found yourself eating lunch at your desk day after day to fit in speech prep as you shovel food into your mouth, well… you’re not alone, friend.

Maybe you’ve also spent hours on your phone in bed, scrolling to find the best materials for the next week’s lessons? Guilty! ‍♀️

There was a time when I was just trying to get by, squeezing in work wherever I could.

I figured the overwhelm and self-doubt must just be part of being an SLP… right?! 

I was oh so wrong about that.

You can get hours of your life back, feel confident in your lessons, AND engage your students more than ever.

Sneak peak inside the membership portal and sample activities to expect each month!

Life can be more fun in and out of the therapy room

Here’s a secret most SLPs haven’t yet mastered: You actually can have your cake and eat it too!

You don’t have to choose between helping your students thrive and having a life outside of work.

Spend your well-earned weekend feeling hot sand sift through your toes instead of slumped over lesson plans.

Replace the hours spent scrolling TPT with a much-deserved coffee date with a friend.

Let out a WOOT(!) zipping out of the parking lot as soon as the last school bell rings. You can have a work-life balance others aspire to!

And you can have a therapy room filled with the sounds of kids talking and laughing. Yup, even those sometimes harder to crack older kids LOVE speech when you make it fun!

You know that flutter in your heart when a kid talks excitedly about their weekend, after weeks of one-word answers. You can feel that almost every day!

Get energized hearing the patter of kids rushing to go to their favorite class: Speech!

If this isn’t currently your experience... but you want it to be, I can help you make that happen.

And nope: The answer is NOT buying dozens of resources you’ll never use. (SLPs are notorious paper hoarders… so I see you!)

But I could tell that every time babyish looking materials came out, the kids shut down. I couldn't find any resources that were truly for older kids. Resources that were fun and could actually encourage them to participate.

I decided to create my own materials to get my students excited to participate and learn. And "Speech Time Fun" and my fun and easy method was born!

Making a difference for SLPs through the use of my materials is something I LOVE just as much as helping my own students. I help SLPs -just like YOU- deliver fun lessons with ease and confidence which allows them to be more present for their students (and their families). 

Member Melissa said "I've planned to use all the materials with my 5th+ kids. It's been such a time saver!"

I love creating time saving materials, but the last thing I want is for you to end up with 500 worksheets without an effective PLAN of what to use and why.

Instead, I want to give you exactly what you need for your students and show you how to use it for a variety of goals and levels. Let's keep things simple!

I want to save you hours AND help you grow as an SLP by, yes, delivering awesome high interest themed materials I know your students (and you) will love. You cannot get these resources on TpT! They are exclusive for SLP Elevate!

I want to show you how to use those resources over and over again so the majority of your lessons with older kids that month are planned! 


As a school-based SLP working full time in the schools, I know all too well the overwhelm that can come from balancing a 60-kid caseload and family.

When I first started working with older students over a decade ago, I had NO idea what I was doing. 

Hey there, I'm Hallie.

Maybe the SLP world has lead you to believe some of these myths...


If you think part of being an SLP is regularly giving up nights and weekends for paperwork and prep, then let me stage an intervention here!

It definitely DOES NOT have to be that way.

Ready-to-use resources can save you hours a week in planning and stressing about activities.

When you keep things  simple and fun — surprise! — the kids find them engaging.

Seriously, don’t make this job too hard on yourself unnecessarily (we have billing, evaluations, and paperwork for that, ha!). You don’t need to reinvent the wheel each session to be effective!

I am here to help you stay away from crying in your car. (thanks ASHA for that one!)


If all you’ve got is a big stack of boring little kid cartoon resources...

Then let the eye rolls begin.

If you want to get kids laughing and excited to chat, then you need age-appropriate topics.

For the kids’ sake (and yours) banish Mickey Mouse and pick up topics like soccer and Tik Tok..

And activities that can be adapted for mixed-goal groups (hint: I’ll teach you how to master mixed groups in the membership). 

Speech can be fun and be a place students feel like they’re winning!


You aren’t the only one struggling.

They don’t teach SLPs how to work with older students in grad school!

Yes, we’re always learning on the job, but that doesn’t mean we need to do it alone and with no tested and tweaked resources.

We all need support, guidance, and community to be the best SLP’s we can be.

Since many of us are the only SLP’s in our school, we don’t get the benefit of working in a team and supporting each other with resources.

With SLP Elevate, you are NOT alone! You have an entire community that has your back and is here to help you be the BEST SLP you can be! 

You get access to an exclusive Facebook group filled with passionate and likeminded SLPs that can help provide you with support and encouragement.

The fastest way to get your time back and feel confident in lessons for older kids?


Start raising your SLP confidence and see your older students LOVE coming to your speech room!

(and remember why you love being an SLP!)

Of course, you’ll get ready-to-use resources (hello hours back ), but you’ll get so much more! 

Here’s what you can expect inside SLP Elevate Membership… 

High-Interest Materials Your Students Will Love Learning With

Themed bundles are delivered on the first of every month with comprehension lessons and worksheets targeting a variety of goals to fit your range of student needs. They’re all evidence-based AND super fun topics and activities. Kiddo engagement = Progress! Did I mention you cannot get these on TpT?!

Target Tons Of Goals With Ease

Supplemental free resources related to the theme to diversify how you target different goals. I’ll share how to use these bonus resources, including specific YouTube videos, current events articles for kids, related websites, Google images, and more.

No More Wondering How To Use Materials

A monthly video where I go through HOW to use the resources so you aren’t spending even more time trying to figure out how to adapt the resources to multiple goals. I’ll show you exactly how I’d plan out most of my month using this bundle so that you can do the same.

No More Feeling Alone

Facebook group with contests to promote the use of materials, engagement, and wins. This is a place to share ideas and build a community of SLPs to trade ideas and wins with daily. 

No More Confusion

Get your specific questions answered monthly with an anonymous form. These training sessions will be recorded so even if you can’t make a live session you can access it anytime or as many times as you need.

Build Your Confidence Knowing Where To Start and Go With Older Students

Master the big picture hierarchy for vocabulary and comprehension; no more being lost troubleshooting why a student isn’t able to tackle the goal it seems they should be at. This is excellent for newer SLPs or anyone that wants to work on changing things up on the fly. When you work with kids, you have to be ready to adapt in the therapy room!

Cancel at Any Time

Monthly subscriptions are billed month to month. Annual subscriptions are billed year to year. No contract. No obligation. You can cancel your membership at any time.


You can’t get engaging materials like this anywhere else 


Ready-to-use resources, easy how-to videos, a supportive community of other SLP’s, and access to me monthly for any of your SLP questions.

It’s all the GOOD stuff, like: leisurely dinner with your kids and kick your feetup on the deck on weekends GOOD stuff! 

All The Goodies You Get With the SLP Elevate Membership:

  • Monthly High-Interest Themed Materials Exclusive for SLP Elevate and not available on TpT that will cover all of your goals for the month
  • Videos on How to Use the Resources and Plan 
  • Deeper-Dive Supporting Resources
  • Exclusive SLP Support Community
  • Monthly “Ask Me Anything” Facebook Lives
  • Foundational Hierarchy Skills Training
  • Ability To Cancel at Any Time

Yes! Sign me up for $29/month or $275/year (save $73!) 

See what SLP Elevate has meant to these passionate SLP’s

"The summer bundle is amazing! Just glancing through it makes me want to start back to school right now in order to start using it!! Thank you so much for these high quality resources."


"These organizers are going to make me look and feel confident in approaching my teachers and special ed teachers with how I can help support our shared students!!!!!"


"Thank you so much for the summer bundle..I cant wait to use it! I am working mostly with hs autistic kiddos so I am really working on a lot of writing, social skills and perspectives. You have given us soo much valuable resources already..this is money well spent I have to say!!"


"Great resources! Thank you, Hallie! I'm excited about planning for my students"


Sign Me Up! 

When you sign-up for the SLP Elevate Membership you’ll receive:

  • High-Interest Themed Resources EACH month! These activities are easy to prep and will cover all of your goals for older students for the month! No more browsing for appropriate materials!
  • Videos on How to Use the Resources and Plan 
  • Deeper-Dive Supporting Resources
  • Exclusive SLP Support Community
  • Monthly “Ask Me Anything” Recordings
  • Foundational Hierarchy Skills Training
  • Ability to cancel at any time

Spectacular SLP Price

$29/month or $275/year (save $73!)

I Want to Join! 

If you've followed me for long, you know I am all about making things simple and fun.

Expect the Facebook group chats, Ask Me Anything sessions, and how-to videos to be full of laughs (and SLP memes!) for us SLPs too! 

Try the SLP Elevate Membership with a 7-day, risk-free, money-back guarantee.

No long-term commitments required. Simply contact us for a refund within a week if you aren’t seeing any changes in:

  • The time you spend planning and prepping your lessons
  • The stress you feel with trying to adapt resources to mixed groups
  • The amount of scrolling you do on TPT
  • The level of connection and support you feel with other SLP’s

The best way to find out if the SLP Elevate Membership is right for you, is to experience the resources, how-to videos, “Ask Me Anything” sessions, and the awesome community support of the exclusive Facebook group. 

100% risk-free

If it’s not making your work much easier and more enjoyable then feel free to cancel at anytime.

You truly can have more ease and confidence while also getting your precious time back, I’m here to support you every step of the way!


Still Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers

How is this different from Speech Time Fun TPT products? 

Will it take a lot of time to figure out how to use the resources? 

I have mixed groups, aren’t resources only good for 1:1 sessions? 

Is each resource only able to be used once? 

Are these full of cheesy “young” graphics that make my older kids roll their eyes? 

So what exactly am I getting for $29/month? 

What if I want to cancel? 

Join SLP Elevate for only

$29/month or $275/year (save $73!)

Sign Me Up! 


The membership isn’t right for you if:


I get it, planning can be super fun.

It’s like creating the blueprints of the house before you go in and ask the kids to grab a hammer.

I certainly don’t want to take that experience from you if you’re already planning like a pro and have achieved a work-life balance you brag about.


This is what grad school actually gets right.

We get so much theory and practice with younger kids that it’s almost like they forget older kids exist.

If you only work with younger kids, my resources and trainings won’t speak to you.

This bundle will have those hard to come by resources and tips specifically tailored towards older kids.


I’m obviously someone who loves figuring things out and testing new resources (why do you think I have so much to share on TPT!).

But there is a balance that needs to be struck between spending hours reinventing the wheel and spending that time with my family and friends.

I create resources to help myself and others save some time in the process.

If it’s your jam to dive into learning new resources every session and you really don’t want to give it up or need to save time, then by all means — enjoy it!

This program is absolutely for anyone who:

Spends hours a month scrolling on TPT

Has a bad habit of collecting resources… and only using them once or twice

Struggles to adapt one resource into multi-group activities

Doesn’t quite have their footing as an SLP (they don’t teach us the older kids in grad school! Why are we teaching them this, again?)

Works with older students

Wants some inspiration via creative resources… feels bored and like their students are bored

Would love to have other SLP’s support them and to ask questions of

Wants the days of being the last car in the school parking lot to be over

Helping you get kids laughing and chatting away

For me, speech is all about creating fun.

Fun = connection with my students and lots of toothy smiles.

It means watching them love learning and taking risks. Then having them run into speech the next week — excited to come back.

It’s fun for me too. I keep falling in love with my job over and over again. And I want you to be able to have that too.

Imagine being able to let your shoulders drop and be in the moment with your older students, confident you can make in-the-moment tweaks to resources to meet their goals and keep them engaged.

That is a whole new level of enjoyment in the job.

You are keeping kids interested, laughing and chatting, and making a difference.

Gone are the days of scrolling for hours online looking for inspiration or having to bring your laptop to bed to try to relieve the anxiety of the next day's activities.

I know you can have success. Because I use my resources TOO! I balance parenting, time with my husband, and our typical hefty caseloads 

— by using the resources in fun, smart, multifaceted ways.

Buh bye burnout!

The shift is possible for you. I wasn’t always as confident as an SLP as I am now.

Sure, experience helps. But beyond that it’s a mindset shift toward connection and fun. Bonus! No more data collection taking over your life.

I want to show you it doesn’t have to be a choice between your time OR your students' success.

You truly can have your cake and eat it too with the SLP Elevate Membership!

Will you even know what to do with your new found free time!?

Sneak in those ever elusive date nights with your partner, take the kids to grab ice cream, give the dog a good romp around the park.

Imagine it’s going that well at home AND your therapy room full of chatty, smiley kids.

You deserve having it all.

Also if you like to have other SLP’s who understand exactly what you are going through; who can lend an ear, or a super on-point meme to cheer you up…

Then maybe you would benefit from the support you could get from all of us in the membership.

I’d love to meet you in the exclusive Facebook group and build our happy little SLP Tribe. Join us today!

Ready to have the bulk of your older kids lessons essentially planned for you each month?

Join the SLP Elevate Membership for only

$29/Month or $275/Year

Join us now.

I’m Ready, Sign-Me Up! 

*Cancel at any time

Here's what you get when you join.

Monthly bundle of high interest themed materials that can be used to address a variety of goals

Training on how to use a simple system to figure out where to start with goals and daily activities

Tutorials on how to adapt and use materials provided

Support of an exclusive Facebook community

Weekly ask me anything calls where you can submit questions to be addressed

Enroll today and start planning with ease and confidence with your older speech students!




$348 yearly price if you choose this option!





Save $73 per year by choosing this option!

Plus get option for access to even more resources! 


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© 2021 Speech Time Fun, Inc.